Pick-A-Card Reading: What are the Major Changes coming for you in the next 6 Months? (Timeless)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKGMjn2AbTQ Hello all, November is coming! Time to start thinking and planning for 2021! Take a breath, look at the available crystal, and pick one that calls out to you! move onwards to 2021: What are the Major Changes coming…

Pick A Crystal Reading: How can you create more abundance and prosperity in your life?

https://youtu.be/E9fVJWbqwvo How Can You Create More Abundance and Prosperity in Your Life? Pick a crystal! Find out: 1. What's the energy you are emitting around abundance and prosperity? 2. What are the beliefs, stories and narrative around your abundance? 3.…

Pick A Card: What is Venus Retrograde Teaching You about Your Romantic Relationships?

Venus, the planet of relationships and pleasure, is going on Retrograde in a few days' time. Any issues in our romantic relationships will be brought to light.  So here's another Pick-A-Card Reading: What is Venus Retrograde Teaching You about your Romantic…

Pick-A-Card Reading: What is the message you need to hear most right now?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxJwdjWIzrk&t=381s My first Pick-A-Card Reading Video. Find out what is it you need to hear most right now! #athirdeyeseer #oraclecards #tarotcards #pickacard #pickacardreading#london #hampstead #hampsteadheath #whatisyouneedtohearmostrightnow