What is it?
If you are a truth and growth-seeker and is constantly interested in self-improvement and self-work, this is for you. Understand who you are, some of your life’s biggest lesson and know how you can be the best version of who you can be.
- Understand personal drivers and blockers
- Understand how your past informs who you are at present and how you can grow and become who you truly want to be
- Become happier and more fulfilled.
Consultation will be done either through a consultation meet-up or over a video-conferencing medium.
While highly customisable, a typical consultation will involve conversation based on your Astrological Chart. Tarot and Intuitive Guidance may be included in the consultation(s) at my discretion.
S$199 onwards. See Packages and Promotions for more information.

What is it?
Are you looking for a fulfilling and wonderful relationship that works? What are some of the common relationship challenges that you face? How can you work through them and get the relationship that you want? This consultation covers everything about your romantic and relationship life.
- Identify your drivers and blockers in relationships.
- Understand your relationship needs, love language and what need to be worked on and looked at in order to have a fulfilling relationship.
- Understand the current relationship situation from an astrological and spiritual perspective and know what’s next and what’s coming up.
Consultation will be done either through a consultation meet-up or over a video-conferencing medium.
While highly customisable, a typical consultation will involve conversation based on your Astrological Chart. Tarot and Intuitive Guidance may be included in the consultation(s) at my discretion.
S$199 onwards. See Packages and Promotions for more information.
What is it?
Astrological Consultations for couples in a romantic partnership. This is for all couples- whether you are straight, gay, bi, or even in a poly-amorous relationship- who are growth-centric and unafraid to look at the tensions and growth potential of their relationship.
- Understand where their romantic partner is coming from and how one can shift to meet them.
- Understand each other’s relationship style, communication style, love language and ‘partnership chemistry’- sexual, emotional, mental and spiritual.
- Learn and establish strategies to mitigate, navigate and manage potential conflict.
Both partners will each have a minimum 2 hours consultations with me through a consultation meet-up or over a video-conferencing medium.
Then we will have a 4 hour session to talk about couple compatibility and talk about any conflict and/or tension that shows up between them.
While highly customisable, a typical consultation will involve conversation based on both of your Astrological Charts. Tarot and Intuitive Guidance may be included in the consultation(s) at my discretion.
S$699 onwards. Contact me for more details.

What is it?
Are you unhappy with your career? Perhaps you are doing very well at work but somehow what you are doing doesn’t fully resonate with you? This consultation is aimed at helping you discover your true purpose and understand your career needs
- Identify drivers and blockers in one’s career and purpose as well as one’s value and worth.
- Understanding one’s career needs: What does one need in order to feel satisfied in their career life?
- Understanding the current career and purpose situation from and Astrological and Spiritual standpoint and know what’s coming up on the horizons.
Consultation will be done either through a consultation meet-up or over a video-conferencing medium.
While highly customisable, a typical consultation will involve conversation based on your Astrological Chart. Tarot and Intuitive Guidance may be included in the consultation(s) at my discretion.
S$199 onwards. See Packages and Promotions for more information.

What is it?
“The ultimate consultation for Founding Partners.”
Do you own a company? Are you looking to bring your company to the next level? This consultative package is designed to help you identify and optimise the working synergies between company’s founders.
1. Know Yourself
Know what your strength and weaknesses, talents. Know your expectations and aspirations in your career, partnership and business. Know who you are, what you really want and how you can move forward with your partner.
2. Know your partner
Understand what your partner wants out of the business partnership, how the both of you engages and interact with one another. Know the gifts he or she brings to the table and how he or she can complement you to move forward in the business partnership. It is also important to be aware or potential tensions and differences, and how to manage these conflicts through your communication styles, working styles and partnership expectations.
3. Know your company
Understand what is the purpose of your company and what lies ahead: the tensions and opportunities that is up and coming for your company for the coming 18 months.
1. Individual consultation – 4 hours/pax coach-approach Astrological consultation.
2. Group consultation – 4 hour partnership consultation, that includes the company’s astrology chart.
S$1099 onwards. Contact me for more details.

What is it?
Student-priced Consultation for students. We can touch on common student related topic such as career aspiration, education specialisation etcetera.
- Understanding your learning style as well as any issues when it comes to education and education route.
- Helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses and how that can inform your education route and career aspiration.
- Strategies to cope with school and romantic life.
Consultation will be done either through a consultation meet-up or over a video-conferencing medium.
While highly customisable, a typical consultation will involve conversation based on your Astrological Chart. Tarot and Intuitive Guidance may be included in the consultation(s) at my discretion.

What is it?
Consultation for parents to help them better support and navigate their relationship with their children and how they can assist them at school, friendships and life.
- Helps parents to understand themselves better: How they show up in their children’s life as well as their own narrative when it comes to parenting and how they nurture and provide for their child.
- Helps parents to understand their child better, especially when it comes to their individual talents and learning styles and needs.
- Helps the child to better understand himself or herself.
Depending on how old the child is, both parent and child will have separate consultation with me.
We will look at the parent’s chart predominantly and the child’s chart secondarily.
Tarot and Intuitive Guidance may be added into the consultation at my discretion.
S$269 onwards. Contact me for more details.

What is it?
For those who are interested in spirituality, want to enhance their spiritual growth and understanding their spiritual gifts and lessons as well as connect with their spiritual guides and intuition. If you want to understand what is going on for you, spiritually speaking, this session is for you.
- Understand you spiritual lessons, purpose and gifts.
- Understand who you are from a spiritual perspective- including relevant past lives and what lies ahead.
- Feeling fulfilled and connected.
Consultation will be done either through a consultation meet-up or over a video-conferencing medium.
While highly customisable, a typical consultation will involve intuitive guidance from the Akashic Records as well as Tarot and other Oracle Cards. Astrology Chart Reading may also be include at my discretion.
S$199 onwards. See Packages and Promotions for more information.