The worst nightmare for an astrologer just happened to me…

The worst thing that could have happened to an Astrologer just happened to me last night: getting the birth time of the client wrong.

Because Astrology is a discipline that requires specificity, getting the birth time wrong is a complete nightmare: all the data, research, and analyses I’d put together needs to be thrown out and relooked at again.

This is also precisely why Astrology is such an interesting and exciting discipline and mode of work for me: it’s not static and the permutations are endless. It is for this reason that I’d never ever seen two people having identical charts. I’ve worked with twins before, and even just 5 minutes of a difference is all that it takes to give them distinct charts. (I’m a twin myself, and that one-minute difference between myself and my brother -a C-Section birth- is all that it takes for me to pursue the unconventional career of an astrologer while he takes on a more conventional path)

If the world of Astrology fascinates you as much as it fascinates me, join my Astrology course from the last Saturday of this month! DM me for more details!

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Saturn in Pisces is retrograding this Sunday. If you’re feeling stuck or emotional, these videos are for you.

Jupiter in Taurus Part 3: How will Jupiter in Taurus impact the fire and air signs?

Check out Part 1 and 2. (once again, apologies for the big sticker in the middle, it's not supposed to…

Jupiter in Taurus Part 2: How will Jupiter in Taurus impact the water and earth signs?

Check out Part 1 here. (Apologies for the text that's so glaring in the video)

Flash of insight about Jupiter in Taurus: Shocking your life with consistency