Why Should You Date a (Virgo)? 3 Reasons why Virgo makes Great Partners!

3 reasons why Virgos are great partners to have:

  1. They are attentive to details.
  2. They are always oriented to serve you.
  3. They are clean, wholesome and always seek to improve themselves.

Click to find out!

First video in my “Why Should You Date a…” series!

Disclaimer: My take and opinion on why Virgos are dateable. Degree of Virgoness varies from individual to individual! Please note that no 2 Virgos are the same (depends on Natal Chart!)

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Saturn in Pisces is retrograding this Sunday. If you’re feeling stuck or emotional, these videos are for you.

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Jupiter in Taurus Part 2: How will Jupiter in Taurus impact the water and earth signs?

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