Channeled Messages/Channeling change/collective conciousness/great leap forward/Humanity/quantum leap by admin
18th March 2023: A Channeled Message about being on the precipice of change and how we could support each other at such times.
I had a sense that there was a message coming through which I needed to spend time to sit, listen,…

Practice in spite of fear
During the previous Mercury Retrograde, I took some time to take stock and look through the results I've created for…

On the situation in Ukraine
"It's important not to paint anyone as the main perpetrator or the ultimate villain, even though it could be hard…

Abundance and Prosperity/Channeled Messages/Channeling/Jupiter/Planetary Magick channeledmessage/Intuitive Guidance/Jupiter Ritual by admin
Channeled Message from the Jupiter Spirit
I'm sharing a channeled message from the last Jupiter Ritual that I did. It was given to me personally, but…