On ‘Being Powerful’
Being ‘Powerful’.
As a young child, I’ve always been bullied by my peers.
I remember an incident in Secondary School when the ‘cool people’ in class invited me to an after-school gathering at one of their houses. I trusted them (and I guess I was also flattered by the invitation) so I joined them.
After settling in for a time, they tricked me into dropping my schoolbag and wallet and asked me to get out of the house ‘for a short while’. That was when they locked me out. I panicked, started crying and screaming. They thought it was funny to see me in such a state of distress. It was one of those two-stories HDB mansionette so a few of them even went to the second floor to spray water at me.
This affect of powerlessness has plagued me since then. I started believing that I need to work hard in order to be loved, liked, recognised and accepted. Whenever I feel unloved, unliked, unrecognised and unaccepted, I ask myself: “What am I not doing right? What am I not doing enough?”.
I was in a bad space in the last few days. Maybe because I was comparing myself with other people: I’ve entered the big 3-0 and felt that I haven’t achieved anything significant.
I was meditating upon the big green field yesterday in the Oxford countryside. I wanted to breathe a little and get those existential pangs and angst out of my system.
I started channeling from Archangel Michael and asked for a message to get myself out of the funk. The knowing came, and I understood:
I don’t need to be ‘more’ powerful. I don’t need to ‘be’ more important. I just need to accept that I already am.
I don’t need to ‘do’ anything more because I am already powerful and important.
Upon that realisation, I felt it in me, the weight of my own power, worth and importance.
I am powerful. I am worthy. I am important.
If you are experiencing a similar funk and you need some direction and clarity, speak to me. I am here to make a stand for your power.